Have you ever thought about your mission, vision for you life? Where you want to go and why you want to go there? How do the actions I’m doing align with my vision for my life? More importantly, why does a personal vision statement matter to you? I think this quote by a Roman philosopher sums it up really well:

“To the person who does not know where he wants to go there is no favorable wind.” ~Seneca

I was reading an article about a 17-year old high school student who has gained exclusive access to restricted areas in airports in both US and UK for himself and 100 others. This includes access to the London Tower at the London airport. Access that aviation enthusiast dream about on National Aviation Day August 19, 2016. Here is what CNN said in an article: “A remarkable kid snagged the keys to the kingdom on Friday, just in time for National Aviation Day in the United States.

Seventeen-year-old Ryan Ewing and more than 100 other aviation enthusiasts are getting exclusive access to secured areas at 10 major airports in the U.S. and London, plus restricted areas of American Airlines facilities.”

How did a Seventeen-year-old manage this? He had a vision. He loves aviation and had the idea of a large-scale meetup. And because he knew what he wanted, when the right people and opportunities came along, he was able to capitalize on them. He was clear on his direction and knew the favorable wind. Most people do not have a sense of their vision. If asked, want they really want, they usually state what they don’t want or want to be rid of—a negative vision. This is from being trained to live a life based on conditions, or coping with life rather than designing and creating a life. A vision comes from within. It is intrinsic. Take Ryan Ewing, when asked why he did this he said he has always loved airplanes. His friends say he is a workaholic but he doesn’t believe so. Thats because he is doing what he loves. When you are living from your purpose and vision life is easy. Whats the difference between purpose and vision? “Vision is a specific destination, a picture of a desired future. Purpose is abstract.” Peter Senge The Fifth Disciple. Your purpose could be “living a life of adventure.” Your vision would be “traveling around the world and visiting a country in every single continent by the age of 40.” Once you have fulfilled your vision, your purpose will pull you toward another vision and you will be on the ever expanding upward spiral of becoming. So how do you get this this vision? Start with paying attention to your interests. What do you love to do, study, read about. Even things that cause you pain can also be clues to your purpose and vision. For example, when people are suffering or not being recognized or compensated for their gifts, I feel frustrated and sad. Because my purpose is “creating a world where everyone thrives.” Ask yourself, “What would I love,” in each of the four keys areas of your life:

  • Relationships
  • Health
  • Career/Vocation
  • Time & money freedom

Stay in the question. Be in the space of gratitude which is on the same vibration as abundance and ask the questions from that space. Know that your infinite self knows this answer. It is there inside you. You were born—literally created by the power that is breathing you to fulfill this purpose. And its only you that can do this. It is your unique blueprint just like your fingerprint. You ARE a child of creation, created to experience and be more. Love and cherish yourself for this. It will come to you. Relax and enjoy the wonderful being you are. Let your imagination run free. To put yourself in an expansive state, do something that you enjoy—listen to music, dance or move, watch a video that inspires you. Play as if you were a child. Remember how easy it was to create as a child. The key points when writing your personal vision statement are:

  • Be specific
  • Paint a vivid picture in your mind
  • Experience your vision with your 5 senses
  • State your vision in the present tense
  • Make it measurable. Concrete
  • Paint a picture as if you were walking into the room of your relationship, health, or career
  • Start your vision statement with “I am so happy and grateful now that”
  • End your vision statement with “this or something even better”

I like to add images to my vision statement. Your brain processes images 60,000 times faster than text. It also activates brain processes like mirror neurons, neural resonance and reticular activation to amplify your brain power. For examples of Vision Statements. Believing in You.

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