Turning Failure into a Stepping Stone

A critical component of success is to change your perception of failure to feedback. Successful people view failure as a stepping stone and not a stumbling block. Failure is actually just information to support you in getting to the next level of your dream. Your reaction to failure, or any other circumstance in life, and how you define it, will define YOU!

Here are four ways to approach failure in order to turn it from a stumbling block to a stepping stone.

Recognize Failure as Feedback

  • failure is simply feedback.
  • thomas Edison tried anywhere from 2,000 to 10,000 times to make the light bulb. He says he got 10,000 pieces of feedback.
  • recognize failure as a gift and a lesson to learn how to move to the next level.

Keep Swinging

  • Failure indicates you are in the GAME! Celebrate that you are swinging. The year Babe Ruth hit the most home runs, he also had the most strike outs.

Respond, Don’t React

  • Never give up out of fear, disappointment, anger, upset, or anxiety. Connect to your vision and feed your faith that the universe is on your side.
  • Abandon or Endure?
  • Ask the question: Have we gone down the wrong road or do we need to persevere? This requires discernment. Discernment requires listening to your intuition.
  • Move beyond pros and cons and listen to your desires and discontent. Pros and cons are in the land of logic. Desires and discontent live in the land of the soul—intuition.
  • Ask yourself, “What makes ME come alive?” and go do that. That’s your most important question.

To Your Dreams!


P.S. Want support in discovering and building your dreams?
Between my coaching and speaking schedule, I carve out a few strategy sessions each month. If you would like a complimentary strategy session (Value = $250), simply go to www.ScheduleTimeWithRiver.com to schedule an appointment.

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